Petronas Tutela Multi CVT 700

Petronas Tutela Multi CVT 700 is a premium fully synthetic multi-vehicle Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) fluid, delivering steel to steel optimized friction, torque transfer capacity and component durability for today?s automatic transmissions over their standard service life. Its wide coverage of major manufacturer specifications, extensive bench testing and field-testing, makes it suitable for use for virtually all CVT transmissions. For this reason, Tutela Multi CVT 700 reduces the risk of using the wrong oil and simplifies inventory management.

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Core Sectors

Passenger Vehicle Lubricant


Additional Product Information

SKU: PetronasTutelaMultiCVT700 Available Pack Sizes: 10 x 1L, 200L
Range: Fully Synthetic Multi-Vehicle Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT)
Base Oil: Synthetic
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C (cSt):


Petronas Tutela Multi CVT 700 is a premium fully synthetic multi-vehicle Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) fluid, delivering steel to steel optimized friction, torque transfer capacity and component durability for today?s automatic transmissions over their standard service life. Its wide coverage of major manufacturer specifications, extensive bench testing and field-testing, makes it suitable for use for virtually all CVT transmissions. For this reason, Tutela Multi CVT 700 reduces the risk of using the wrong oil and simplifies inventory management. Petronas Tutela Multi CVT 700 meets the service fill requirement of most belt and chain CVT OEMs for use in passenger cars. It is suitable for use in Toyota Hybrid transmissions.

Additional information

Weight 10 kg


Pack Size

10 x 1L, 200L


Passenger Vehicle

Base Oil



Fully Synthetic Multi-Vehicle Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT)

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